Sunday, November 30, 2008


Network and the spreading of Cell phones

In the first statement, Mr. Moudjibouthe Daouda declares that it is more important to improve the quality of living emvironment and education status in some Afican countries where people are living in poor situation than spreading the use of cell phones. While in the second statement, the writer said that building a cellular network is necessary for some poor places because they need more connection with the world to solve their undevelopment status.

In my opinion, I agree with the first writer's statement because a good quality of living is the
basic premise for any other elements in our lives. For instance, comparing with the students in the poor countries, the complaints of ours are always related to that we don't have enough spare time on our shopping or we need a new I-pod, however, the peers from some undeveloped areas just want to have more food to eat for their living and more chances to study. Consequently, coping with these kinds of issues are the first steps before focusing on the promotion of new techonoly, such as cellphones for most of the third countries' governments.
On the other hand,an appropriate construction on the devices which are made and used for interacting and communicating with some developed countries, like the US or the European countries, also can help the people who are from poor countries improving their standard of living or education environment. However, the governments for these countries shouldn't only pay attention to the development of the cellular network and the spreading for the using of telephones instead of caring more about the citizens' lives first.
To sum up, I prefer the first statement between these two writers' opinions since the needs about a high-quality of education, healthcare and safe sources for food and water should be considered as the more essential parts for the poor people, other than communication with other countries , even though those can help their development in some degree.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Using English for Academic Purposes
This is a quite useful website for me because of the systematic information and various exercises.Just like the the title said, it is built for anyone who wants to improve his or her academic English on reading.
Several suggestions and reading skills for academic study are given by it based on two main goals: efficiently, and reading critically.
First, learning to read efficiently means we don't need to read every word of every book rather than read purposefully and interactively. Since we are going to enhance our academic reading in English so that our purpose has already decided the way we read. Usually we know why we are reading because we have a question to find the answer from the text in daily life.The methods will be different from reading a fashion magazine to reading a literature novel and in academic reading, it could be more flexible because of the types of the article and also what we want to know from the text. In order to carry out our purpose efficiently, we should follow some advices. We need to scan the whole book or whole article to know the type of it first and also we can use the content or the indexes to find which part is what we need.Then skimming it to check whether it is really useful to us or whether it is relevant to our purpose. After skimming, we can start to read the specific information and the detailes.Sometimes we have to go back to check the structure of the article in the end. During this course which is considered as a two-way process, we would experience the interaction because as readers,we are active to get something we want, but not just be passive to receive information given by authors. It means we have to construct our own ideas about the subject by using former knowledge of the language and the understanding on the world. Therefore it is useful to try to remember actively what we know and what we do not know before we start reading and also find questions for helping our interaction with the author.
Secondly, it is also important to read critically. Since we are active readers that we shpuld evaluate the arguments in the text and then build our own arguments. To distinguish fact from opinion and look at arguments given by the author helps us to be aware of our opinions and assumptions nomatter it is positive or negative. Reading criItically also makes us know the writer's background and purposes of the article easily because every writer has a purpose for writing. At the same time, readers usually have purposes to read so that if we do critical reading for academic study which includes asking questions such as what controversies exist in this area mentioned in the article,is it appropriate to the argument or what is the writter's attitude towards the topic, it will be easy to build our own thoughts about the article.
However,I still need to do more exercises by following the methods to see whether it really helps me on academic reading because improving English takes time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I'm additcted to my cell phone!
Actually I am a person who cannot "live" without cell phone and it started from nearly eight years ago when I was studying in high school for the first year.I still remember my first cell phone that is quite pretty but only can be uesd for calling and it is still kept in my room as a memorial until now.
With the development of modern technology, the use of cell phones are spread so fast that it became a kind of fashion to hold one among the teengers in China. Though most parents think it's not very appropriate to buy cell phones for their children because they never care the bill of the phones and just chat and send messages on the phone all the time, a number of younsters became to the uses of cell phones.And I was one of them~
Now nearly everyone has at least one monile phone and it indeed gave contribution to our lives. We can use that to contact others whom we want to contact anytime anywhere and some big companies,like NOKIA and MOTOROLA, they have somany advanced products which can be a camera, a music palyer and also used for sending emails to others.These conveniences are so obvious that we may ignore the bad effects from the use of cell phones. For myself, the biggeset problem is that I have to rely on my cell phone and it is the most neccesary object in my bag when I go out everytime. But if I happen to leave it at home or I cannot find it for a little while one day, I will feel so anxious and don't know how I can do because I lost my support which has all the persons' contact number and lots of useful information in it!
I really don't like that kind of feeling so I tried to overcome this kind of addiction, but it's not easy.Then I found some of my friends also have the same peoblem with me, which is caused by the popularization of the cell phones.
However, I still think my cell phone plays a so important role in my life because it makes me can contact with the others freely and I will feel more safe with it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The most creative person that I'm really interested in is Jay Zhou who is quite famous as a singer, composer, song-writer and maker, actor and also director in China. Jay Zhou was born in Taiwan,China.He graduated from Taiwan Danjiang musical school.During his studying in Danjiang musical school, he's studying piano and he likes music and writing songs by himself when he was very young.
There are two reasons why I think he's a creative man.
For the first reason, it is about his characteristic style of works. He wrote a number of songs for himself and other singers and his opuses are very popular and unique so that it arose a new kind of musical style which is called "Jay's style".His songs were made by mixing Hip-hop, R&B and also imbibed some elements from Chinese Opera and traditional Chinese music and stories. It's pretty interesting because when he's singing, he doesn't like pronouning the word very clearly but every listener also can enjoy the rhythm and artistic conception of the song very well. First of all, most of the audience, espeially some adults and olderlys cannot accept his way of singing and his completely new song's style so everybody talked about him. But this situation changed soon that nearly all the younsters and even adults or elderlys beame to accept his "Chinese R&B". Jay's brand-new characteristic style of his opuses make the Chinese young people become to pay more attention to the Chinese tradition and also started to be interested in our own traditional music. Now Jay Zhou could be considered as the top popular and famous idol in China.
The second reason why he's creative is because of his various identity. Jay is not only a pop singer,conposer and song-maker, but also a good actor and director.After several years' focusing on musical creation, he tried to devote to the movie area recent years. At the beginning, he acted in an automobile race film as a famous race player and then he won the best freshman of the Gold Horse Award at that year. Last year, he became to work as a director and his first movie opus which was called "A secret that is cannot be spoke out" was favourably received by all his fans and the other audience. I think he really did a remarkable job in the field of movie as well as in the musical area. He can change the different identities freely and also succeeded in both aspects very well.
In conclusion, he is the most creative framer that I've ever seen until now. I really admire his talent on musical creation and movie making.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I like reading on all kinds of books,magazines and novels.Usually the detcective novels and something which is about the aventure story are my favourite.But when I came to the university to study,I realize a problem that I cannot do the accademic reading very well.It's so disppointed to me!It took me so long a time to know what the problem is.Now I realized that there are some differences betwen the accademic reading and just reading for pleasure.
First of all,they have different pueposes of course that we can know just from the name."Accademic reading " In this phrases there's a adjective word to modify the word "reading" so the purpose is very clear. But the other kind of reading is just for pleasure and fun.For accademic reading , the article or the text is more formal and standard.We do this kind of reading always because we study in an English-speaking university to learn some accademic knowledge or skills.So that we do not often read magazines,novels,comedy stories or anything you choose since you are interested in it. We should read some prefessional articles,journals ,essays and thesises in order to gain the information and skills.On the other hand,reading for pleasure is totally diverse.Usually,when you have some spare time and have nothing to do ,maybe you wanna get a novel or magazine to read.You just wanna be free and relax or have a rest .It can be called a kind of casual activity because you feel funny or interesting about what you read.You just have a feeling about the whole article other than have to get the spicific infourmation or know what the author wanna us understand.For me,a young girl,I always read some fashion magazines nearly every month in order to get more newest fashion news cause I really care about that.At the same time,I like reading the detective novels and stories about the adventure so I will choose something I have interests on that.All the purposes are just for fun and be happy.So I don't need to be too serious to care the speed,vocabulary and the structure of the article .I can sit anywhere I want at anytime!
To do the accadimic reading ,we must hold several approaches.Before I start to read a accademic article,I will do a lot of preparation work such as see the title ,subtitle,whether it has the pictures and graphics or not,read the captions and sometimes maybe look up some information about the author first.And at same time,I should know what is scanning and skimming.I wanna know the whole structure of the text in order to know the main idea and specific infoumation which I wanna get from it.For doing some questions on the article sometimes,I need to paraphase or summarize them to identify the author's point of view.During these periods,I also need lots of grammartical knowledge and skills for understanding some complicated sentences' meaning.There's another very important thing I have to care is the speed I read.When I have all these abilities ,I just can start a accademic reading very well.On the contrary,I don't need to care too much things and just read what I wanna read in my own way.Because I like the article and novels I read,I will feel more relax and happy.And also I could know the content of the article but not very spicific and sure.Anyway,I do reading for pleasure so I don't need any approaches when I am reading.
To sum up,acctually I would say I prefer the reading for pleasure other than the accademic reading.I think the reasons are so clear that I can gain happiness,more funs just though very simple way.I don't have to do lots of work and hold many abilities for the accademic reading.It takes too much time and energy to focus on the structure,grammar,vocabulary and main idea of the text at the same time.But I would admit one point that is accademic reading could give me more useful knowledge and improve my English as well as promote my logic in English.In conclusion,no matter I like reading for pleasure more or accademic reading ,I have to prefer the accademic reading.I plan to study the master course in a English-speaking university so that prefer the accademic reading to just reading for pleasure is the good choice for me!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is Sarah Qi.
I'm a Chinese girl who is studying at ELI in UBC.
My Chinese name is Shan Qi.So you also can call me Shan if you want.
My hometown is Tianjin. It is a very beautiful and friendly city which is very close to Beijing.
And I'm Scorpio! I really love to make new friends!
Welcome again!