Sunday, November 2, 2008


I'm additcted to my cell phone!
Actually I am a person who cannot "live" without cell phone and it started from nearly eight years ago when I was studying in high school for the first year.I still remember my first cell phone that is quite pretty but only can be uesd for calling and it is still kept in my room as a memorial until now.
With the development of modern technology, the use of cell phones are spread so fast that it became a kind of fashion to hold one among the teengers in China. Though most parents think it's not very appropriate to buy cell phones for their children because they never care the bill of the phones and just chat and send messages on the phone all the time, a number of younsters became to the uses of cell phones.And I was one of them~
Now nearly everyone has at least one monile phone and it indeed gave contribution to our lives. We can use that to contact others whom we want to contact anytime anywhere and some big companies,like NOKIA and MOTOROLA, they have somany advanced products which can be a camera, a music palyer and also used for sending emails to others.These conveniences are so obvious that we may ignore the bad effects from the use of cell phones. For myself, the biggeset problem is that I have to rely on my cell phone and it is the most neccesary object in my bag when I go out everytime. But if I happen to leave it at home or I cannot find it for a little while one day, I will feel so anxious and don't know how I can do because I lost my support which has all the persons' contact number and lots of useful information in it!
I really don't like that kind of feeling so I tried to overcome this kind of addiction, but it's not easy.Then I found some of my friends also have the same peoblem with me, which is caused by the popularization of the cell phones.
However, I still think my cell phone plays a so important role in my life because it makes me can contact with the others freely and I will feel more safe with it.


Raghda2008 said...

Hi dear;

Your jouranal is so interesting.

My sister is also addicted to her cell phone. Her cell phone is always busy which annoys my parents so much:)

However,I agree that we usually feel lost without our cell phones, because they become very important in our life.

enjoy your weekend 

SarahQi said...

Hi Eilidh:
Thank you for reading my journal~
I think I am so lucky that there's not any problem on my selfphone until now, even though I use it everytime. In oreder to contact my parents, I have two self phones now! (one is from China, the other one is that I bought here)It sounds crazy, right?~
Anyway I enjoy studying this unit and I am also extied to move on to next unit.
Thank you~Have a good weekend!

Eilidh said...

I think having two cell phones is something I cannot imagine! I just my first one, and I never turn it on.... I bought it just for emergencies, and I do think it is useful, but I never want to become addicted to it. In my opinion, the invention, like television, is not the problem. for me, the problem is the way people use cell phones in rude and annoying ways! :-)

Cha-cha (Chao Wang) said...

Hi Sarah:
I know you have two cellphones that one from China and one from here.
I still remember my first cellphone in high school. This lovely device with black-white screen and only three songs was my most favourate when cellphone was that common years before. I have changed four cellphones since then. However the real one I miss is the oldest one and its easy function.

Wenwen Chang said...

Hi Shan:
It is very funny that we have so many similarities about cellphone: If I don't take my cellphone when I go out, I will feel uncomfutable!~I also have two cellpones now, but I don't use the one I take from China, because it is too expensive!~

SarahQi said...

Hi Raghda
I am sorry~ hehe~
Anyway thank you for your comments!

SarahQi said...

Hi Eilidh
I agree with your idea about the functions of cellphone.In my case, sometimes my parents really want to know what I am doing right now so that I have to ensure they can contact me all the time even though my Chinese cell phone is always turned off~I am trying to learn to use it in an apppropriate way~hehe~
Anyway thank you for sharing your experience!
Have a good weekend!

SarahQi said...

Hi chacha
I cannot believe that you have already changed four cellphones!haha~My Chinese cellphone is the second cell phone until now. I really like it so I don't want to change it anymore and I brought it from China~
Thank you for telling me your story~Have a good weekend!

SarahQi said...

Hi dear wenwen:
I am happy that you also have two cellphones~Actually I don't the Chinese one very often and I just send messages to my dad sometimes so maybe it's not very expensive~
Thank you for sharing your story to let me know our commons!
Have a good weekend!