Sunday, November 30, 2008


Network and the spreading of Cell phones

In the first statement, Mr. Moudjibouthe Daouda declares that it is more important to improve the quality of living emvironment and education status in some Afican countries where people are living in poor situation than spreading the use of cell phones. While in the second statement, the writer said that building a cellular network is necessary for some poor places because they need more connection with the world to solve their undevelopment status.

In my opinion, I agree with the first writer's statement because a good quality of living is the
basic premise for any other elements in our lives. For instance, comparing with the students in the poor countries, the complaints of ours are always related to that we don't have enough spare time on our shopping or we need a new I-pod, however, the peers from some undeveloped areas just want to have more food to eat for their living and more chances to study. Consequently, coping with these kinds of issues are the first steps before focusing on the promotion of new techonoly, such as cellphones for most of the third countries' governments.
On the other hand,an appropriate construction on the devices which are made and used for interacting and communicating with some developed countries, like the US or the European countries, also can help the people who are from poor countries improving their standard of living or education environment. However, the governments for these countries shouldn't only pay attention to the development of the cellular network and the spreading for the using of telephones instead of caring more about the citizens' lives first.
To sum up, I prefer the first statement between these two writers' opinions since the needs about a high-quality of education, healthcare and safe sources for food and water should be considered as the more essential parts for the poor people, other than communication with other countries , even though those can help their development in some degree.


Eilidh said...

Hi Shan:I am wondering what you are referring to when you say "In the first statement". I think that you need to be clearer in the introduction so that the reader knows that you are discussing an article, or is it two articles? I am not sure. Remember that you also need to cite the source of articles if that is what you are discussing!
I know that you are discussing two articles from the text, but you need to make this very clear for your readers!

Te5rw said...

Well education is really, indeed sth. truly important. But China nowdays seems didnot put enough fund to that.